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Kiwillow Reads

Let me introduce myself and my blog Kiwillow Reads.

My name is Lesley and I am a 40 plus book lover with a passion for all things bookish.
I am married to Mr A and we have three beautiful cats Kiwi, Willow and Eric.  Kiwillow comes from the names of my two female cats. (Sorry Eric, but couldn't find a way of incorporating you).
I live in the West Midlands, England, and I work in an office for a national distribution company.

I have loved books all my life and the love of books was instilled into me from a very early age.  I can remember being told that I went missing when I was about two years old and my parents found me about three streets away in our local library.  Another time, I went missing and they found me in another library about one mile away from my house.  You would have thought I would have ended up as a librarian, and sometimes I often think that should have been my career.

I have thought about creating a book related blog for a long time.  I had previously created a blog (which I have now deleted) which I began with scrapbooking in mind, but I found myself not updating because I haven't done any scrapbooking in such a long time and I was feeling very guilty about that.  Once, I decided to delete that blog and start a book related one, the guilt lifted and enthusiasm for Kiwillow Reads has manifested itself into the creation of this blog and I am excited about this new blogging adventures with books at its heart.

I am hoping that this blog will consist of book reviews, hauls and anything that takes my fancy concerning books, bookish items and book tube (I love Booktube but there is no way I have the confidence to create a channel).  Also it's a place for random posts, maybe holiday snaps, posts about food and other things that I love.

I have no expectations with regards to this blog.  If I'm the only person who ever reads this blog, I will still be happy as I'm putting my thoughts down on paper.

Books and reading brings me such joy.  It's my way of escaping the real world and immersing myself in characters and worlds and different times.  Reading gives me time to truly be myself.  Reading is such an integral part of me.  Life without books is not a life I want to know.

Thank you for reading

Love Lesley


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